The plan for vulnerability assessment of built-up areas affected by bradyseism in the Phlegraean Fields

The platform for requesting building inspections is now online 

Tecnici abilitati svolgono ricognizione areale

On February 26, 2024, an Extraordinary plan was approved for the Phlegraean Fields intervention area, as outlined in Article 2 of Decree-Law 140/2023. This plan was jointly endorsed by the Minister for Civil Protection and Sea Policies and the Minister of Economy and Finance. The plan includes a seismic microzonation study, an assessment of the seismic vulnerability of both public and private buildings, and a program for seismic and structural monitoring. Its goal is to support seismic redevelopment strategies and to identify priorities for intervention within the building heritage of the area.

To support the seismic redevelopment of public buildings and to maintain the functionality of transport infrastructures and other essential services, the Prime Minister's Decree issued on July 17, 2024, has appointed Mr. Fulvio Maria Soccodato as the extraordinary commissioner responsible for implementing public works in the Phlegraean Fields area.

In the case of private buildings, the responsibility for coordinating activities lies with the Civil Protection Department. In collaboration with the municipalities in the intervention area and the Campania Region, the Department has initiated a seismic vulnerability assessment of private buildings used for residential purposes. This assessment involves a series of detailed steps outlined below.

Between March 25 and June 7, 2024, the first areal assessment was conducted on private residential buildings in Pozzuoli, Bacoli, and Naples municipalities. This inspection focused on areas most affected by bradyseism, as well as seismic activity and ground deformation.

The assessment was conducted through visual inspections carried out outside each building. Expert teams, coordinated by the Civil Protection Department and in collaboration with the Campania Region, worked alongside the local municipalities. These inspections utilized data-processing procedures to gather information on the construction and structural features of the buildings. The process involved using a form developed by the PLINIVS Study Centre at the LUPT Centre of Federico II University.

At the end of this initial phase of inspections, a map was created to present the findings from the areal assessment of the vulnerability of private buildings. Interested citizens can request further information regarding these findings.

The map is made up of 442 square cells, each assigned a different colour based on the estimated concentration of vulnerable buildings within that area. Buildings located in cells classified as having a 'high' or 'medium concentration of vulnerable buildings' will be prioritized for inspections.

Please note that the classification of cells is based on data collected from an external inspection of 9,078 buildings and holds solely statistical-probabilistic value.

The data collected during the areal inspection was organized in interactive graphs using a dedicated dashboard that illustrates the most representative features of the analyzed private building heritage.

Once the first areal assessment has been completed, citizens may request a building inspection to determine the seismic vulnerability classification of their property. Inspections are free of charge and can be requested from March 5 to August 31, 2025, either independently through a dedicated platform or directly at the municipal offices of Pozzuoli, Bacoli, or Napoli.

Only then can citizens apply for financial contributions. The 2025 Budget Law has allocated 100 million euros (20 million euros each year from 2025 to 2029) for anti-seismic interventions on private buildings with mainly residential use located in the intervention area affected by bradyseismic risk. This funding is intended for buildings that have not previously received contributions for damage repairs or seismic upgrades following the May 20, 2024 earthquake.

Decree-Law 140/2023 foresees that the vulnerability of private buildings is analyzed using simplified procedures, which do not have the value of seismic verification. Specifically, inspections will be carried out by teams of experts who will visually examine the entire building, inside and out, without using instrumental surveys. Unlike areal inspections, these experts must enter individual building units during their inspections. To facilitate this process, the Civil Protection Department has created a digital form named 'Cartis-edificio' in collaboration with the ReLUIS inter-university Consortium. This form is designed to collect the building's key typological and geometrical features. It is important to note that the purpose of the inspection is not to verify compliance with building regulations.

A vademecum has been prepared to assist citizens in applying for a building inspection and is accessible at this link.