National Plan for seismic risk prevention (art.11, Law no. 77-2009)


Piano nazionale rischio sismico

The fund for seismic risk prevention.

Article 11 of Law No 77 of June 24, 2009 converting Decree Law No. 39 of 28 April 2009 for the reconstruction of Abruzzo, provides that interventions for the prevention of seismic risk are financed throughout the country, thanks to a fund established in the state of affairs of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

The authorized expenditure is 44 million euro for 2010, 145.1 million euro for 2011, 195.6 million euro for each of the years 2012, 2013 and 2014, 145.1 million euro for 2015 and 44 million euro for 2016.  The implementation of Article 11 is entrusted to the Civil Protection Department and regulated by orders of the President of the Council of Ministers.  The total amount is 965 million euros. However, although considerable compared to the past, it represents only a small percentage, less than 1% of the need that is necessary for the complete seismic adjustment of all buildings, public and private, and strategic infrastructure works. This operation will allow the safety of other public structures continuing the programs already started after the earthquake of S. Giuliano di Puglia and will encourage a decisive step forward in the growth of a culture of seismic prevention by the population and public administrators.  

With opcm no. 3843 of 19 January 2010 a Commission of experts on seismic risk has been instituted, which has defined objectives and general criteria for an effective prevention action to be implemented with the funds made available by art. 11.  The objectives identified by the Commission concern, in particular, the mitigation of seismic risk through actions and interventions only marginally developed in past years, such as: seismic microzonation studies for the selection of suitable places to build and interventions on private buildings, through direct economic contributions for the strengthening or improvement of seismic structures.  The use of art. 11 funds is regulated by orders of the President of the Council of Ministers, in compliance with the objectives and criteria defined by the Commission of Experts.

The Seismic Risk Prevention Fund, by Law no. 145 of December 30, 2018, has been refinanced for 50 million euros starting in 2019. The funds available and the related actions for the 2019, 2020 and 2021 annuities are governed by ocdpc no. 780 of May 20, 2021, published in the Official Gazette of June 17,2021.

The pages relating to the funds disbursed for each year contain: reference standards, documents and tools made available for the implementation of the planned prevention measures, in compliance with standards and criteria shared with the Regions and Autonomous Provinces.


Visit the section Q&A dedicate to the general funding aspects

Visit the section Q&A dedicated to interventions on  buildings and public works

Visit the section Q&A dedicated to interventions on private buildings